New Inc!

About 2 months ago I moved in to a new shared workspace (at least part-time) called New Inc. It's a new Incubator conceived by the New Museum that brings people together from the Art, Design and Technology world. Needless to say it's a really facinating mix of creative minds all sharing an entire white walled (for now) floor next to the Museum.

My main focus will be to continue developing a new body of work after Suburbia Gone Wild and I think this is a great place to explore new ideas, technologies and concepts.  


It's here!

It's here!

Member of Studio X creating a time line over NYC zoning intentions. 

Member of Studio X creating a time line over NYC zoning intentions. 

 Emilie Baltz serving up a polenta dinner.


Emilie Baltz serving up a polenta dinner.

Summer in America

Summer is officially over, at least here in the US. During the last three months I had the opportunity to visit a couple of new places while on the road. I usually try to stay an extra day or two when I'm out on assignments in order to discover the area in my own pace.

This Summer I stopped at Willie's Fish Pond in Virginia (which I first thought was a sea food restaurant). I met a homeless man who perform a flawless dance routine to Chic's Le Freak at a bus stop in Detroit (he was not waiting for the bus) and shot a tremendous amount of images of skyscrapers in Lower Manhattan (don't know why, I just love it). Oh and I went Upstate as well.... but more on that next time.

Lake Lure, NC

Lake Lure, NC

Lake Lure, NC

Lake Lure, NC

Willie's Fish Lake, VA

Willie's Fish Lake, VA

Smoky Mountains, NC

Smoky Mountains, NC

Margaretville, NY

Margaretville, NY



Manhattan, Asheville, NC

Manhattan, Asheville, NC









Bespoke Tailor Peter Frew's studio in Brooklyn where he talks about pressure and $4000 suits.

This video is part of a ongoing personal project about doers and makers and how they deal with failure, pressure and frustration. I read about Bespoke tailor Peter Frew two years ago in this article and found his honesty and dedication very engaging. Last year I reached out to Peter and asked him to be part of the series and he said yes immediately. So without further ado: